Start date:
July 08, 2020
Completion date:
November 30, 2020
Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs, Asian Development Bank
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Disability is a risk factor for domestic violence because it weakens a person's psychological and physical defenses. Especially, in low and middle-income countries, women with disabilities are two to four times more likely to experience intimate partner violence than women without disabilities.  

As a result of our country’s effort to create a legal environment to combat domestic violence and to harmonize national legislation to ensure human rights guaranteed by international treaties and conventions to which we have acceded, the legal environment of combating domestic violence has been created to some extent. However, there are no specific provisions in the anti-domestic violence legislation and related regulations that specifically address the provision of prevention and protection services in accordance with the specific needs of PWDs. As a result, it is possible that PWDs may report to the relevant officials that they have been a victim of violence but may not be able to fully understand their situation and seek support services they need. The main purpose of this qualitative study was to understand the causes and circumstances of domestic violence, rather than to quantity.  

In the framework of the project, the IRIM Research Institute team was commissioned to conduct this study to support the training of peer educators for PWDs and the development of evidence-based activities for PWDs. This qualitative study aims to clarify the following detailed objectives: 

  • To identify forms, extent and factors of domestic violence against PWDs disaggregating socio- economic status as age, gender, type of disability, geographic location and access to information into account. 

  • To identify understand and behaviors of PWDs domestic violence, reporting with others and seek support services. 

  • To develop further proposals and recommendations to improve behaviors of PWDs to perceive the way being affected by domestic violence, report the situation, and seek support services. 

Details of the tasks done within the project include: 

  • Inception report which contains the result of desk review analysis and scope of the research methodology.  

  • Research tools and additional tools (posters, video content which shows the types of violence, etc.) that take into account the specifics of each type of disability. 

  • Art therapy-based exercises to calm the interviewer and create a comfortable environment for conversation during the interview. 

  • Data collection involving all type of PWDs, caregivers and related structural level specialists.  

  • Technical report based on the performance of field data collection.  

  • Result of the extensive study analysis. 

  • Findings, recommendation, and conclusion based on the research result.  

  • Infographics based on the research findings. 

  • Completion report of the project.  

  • All of the above deliverables were delivered in English and Mongolian within the on time agreed with the client.