Start date:
August 16, 2021
Completion date:
January 30, 2022
The Asia Foundation
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The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation’s (SDC) Governance and Decentralization Program (GDP) II includes a component on urban governance with the aim to improve the capacity of the Municipality of Ulaanbaatar (MUB) to plan and deliver local public services and investments in ger areas in response to priorities voiced by citizens.  As part of the GDP II, the Asia Foundation (TAF) is implementing the Urban Governance Project (UGP) in close collaboration with the MUB. The project’s overall goals are to help MUB plan and deliver more effective and responsive public services, and to improve Local Development Fund (LDF) investments in ger areas.

Between August  2021 and January 2022, the Independent Research Institute of Mongolia (IRIM) conducted a “Training of Trainers on Research Methodology and Revision of a Research Manual for the Staff of Training and Research Center of Ulaanbaatar and Selected MUB staff”.  This consultancy service aims to build the research capacities of the staff of MUB and the staff of the Human Resource Development Center of MUB under the first component of the UGP.

The objectives of the consultancy service are:

  • Revise the current “Research methodology manual”
  • How to integrate gender equality in all research stages such as developing research methodology, data collection, analyzing, and reporting phase. Also, how to develop the baseline and evaluation training materials.
  • Conduct ToT training among the selected staff of MUB and the Human Resource Development Center of Ulaanbaatar.