Start date:
November 2013
Completion date:
January 2014
United Nation Population Fund
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The overall goal of the follow up survey was to define the changes affected by the Project activities in target groups' knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP). The main outcome of the Project, as defined in the ADB TAR, is a “50 percent increase in STI/HIV/AIDS prevention knowledge and behavior change among local communities, construction workers and mining sector workers” 

The 2012 follow up survey to the baseline assessment had the following objectives: 

  • To define the KAP of target and control population groups regarding the prevention of HIV/AIDS; 

  • To define and measure changes of KAP in the prevention of HIV/AIDS according to key indicators and to assess the Project results by aimag and target group. 

Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment: 

  • The research team developed a detailed research design and methodology, including development of research instruments, data analysis tools and sampling formula;  

  • During the data collection stage, primary data collected through the survey was sorted using MS Excel software and checked for mechanical and logical errors.  

  • IRIM then used SPSS 21 data analysis software to analyze quantitative data collected from the 819 questionnaires.  

  • IRIM’s final product suite included copies of the data gathered, and a comprehensive final report including relevant recommendations to the client.