As part of the ongoing efforts in supporting Mongolia’s Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) readiness and national target setting, ‘MAPS: Gender Baseline Analysis against SDGs in Mongolia’ assessment was conducted by UNDP and IRIM in 2016.

The objectives of the assessment were threefold:

  1. Review the existing SDG assessment frameworks including the availability of sex-disaggregated baseline data and identify gaps in sex-disaggregated data under SDG 1, 5, 8, 10, 11, 13 and 16.
  2. Determine the baseline data and identify more specific needs for capacity building and data collection methodologies under the selected SDGs.
  3. Help identify potential areas for further strengthening Mongolia’s monitoring, reporting and accountability to SDGs using the Mainstreaming, Acceleration and Policy Support (MAPS) approach.

As a result, the availability and gaps of sex-disaggregated baseline data under 87 indicators of 39 targets within 7 SDGs were identified in Chapter 2. The chapter discusses in detail the data availability, data gaps and assessment of quality of data related to the selected SDG indicators using six criteria – Timeliness; Comparability; Adequacy of resources; Technology; Accessibility and Usability of Data. The chapter includes specific recommendations on filling the data gaps and determining the indicators. It was found that there were discrepancies between the global definitions and key terms used within the indicators against Mongolian ones. Furthermore, study shows that data availability of the SDGs varied depending on the goals but in general more disaggregation was needed for most indicators. The largest gap existed in the analysis and use of data.

Chapter 3 of the report employs MAPS approach in assessing the existing government monitoring and accountability mechanisms. It suggests that the enabling environment for reporting, data collection and management and gender sensitive policies relating to SDGs are partly in place in Mongolia. Nonetheless the ongoing government re-structuring, change of policy directions and instability in terms of fiscal and human resources present more challenges for reporting SDGs, follow-up and data management. Also, a lack of law enforcement presents challenges in effective accountability mechanisms. The chapter also provides recommendations to improve national monitoring and accountability mechanisms; alignment and mainstreaming of SDGs into national development plans; and partnership and engagement of non-government stakeholders.  

It should be noted that this report is complemented by a separate Excel Matrix which contains more technical and detailed statistical and in-depth analysis of the indicators. The Excel Matrix is intended for those who will determine and use the indicators as well as those who will produce data necessary to report on those indicators. Also this assessment can be used as a model framework to assess the indicators related to the remaining SDGs.

For detailed information about the assessment report, please see the following link.